How to Draw Cartoon Animal Faces

How to Draw adorable Cartoon Animals From The Farm

Learning how to draw cartoon animals from the farm is not such a difficult task! We've grown up surrounded by them! Farm animals are everywhere: In blockbuster movies, child's books, greeting cards... their shapes and images are printed in our minds!

In this section, I will show you how to determine what are the physical uniqueness of each animal and how to work with them. Then, you can practice drawing each cartoon character using basic shapes.

You will have the opportunity to make nice illustrations, practice sketching and cartooning using short easy lessons and complete your creation using a drawing software to create vector art if you want to! Cartoon drawing is really fun once you get into it!

Don't be afraid to try until you get it right. This method is really simple, but requires practice and observation. So, sit back and relax. Learn how to draw animals from the farm and start your journey on a good note!

Let's try s few basic characters to get started! :)

A cute turkey to begin with

In this first tutorial, you can learn how to draw a fun turkey mostly made from small rectangles and large circular shapes. The posture of the character is really interesting. Not only is it easier to draw than a front version, but it's also easier to add some perspective (as we can see with the legs). The fact that we just need to draw one wing is also interesting.

Most of these cartoon animals are not filled with complex textures or digital effects. In this case, the subject is filled with plain colors and only a few basic details (inside the tail) were added. You can try the video lesson found below or proceed with the step-by-step tutorial. More video lessons can be found on my Youtube channel.

cartoon animals - Turkey

A nice turtle also from a side view

This basic animal is also interesting to work with. The body is made from a portion of an oval shape and the head is drawn using a weird curved line. Patches on the shell are pretty much all the same except for this cool distortion effect. Legs are short and the tip is made from curved lines too.

You can have a lot of fun with a character like this one. Indeed, don't hesitate to try new patterns on the shell, try different postures or change the view of the illustration.

cartoon animals - Turtle

A fun dog mostly made from rectangles

Look at the final illustration from the dog tutorial. See how the dog looks calm and adorable since it is mostly drawn using long and perfect curved lines? Well, the funny thing is that this cartoon animal was built mostly with rectangles and squares. If you look at the fourth step, you don't see too many circles and oval shapes!

Also note are both pupils are very close to each other in the colored version. Centering both pupils inside each eye won't give a good result. Instead, you must move both pupils towards the middle of the eyes to end up with an adorable character.

cartoon animals - Dog

how to create cool mosquito eyes!

I also like this great cartoon mosquito for the large eyes that we can see on top of the head of the character. Rarely can you see cartoon animals that are made from eyes that are larger than the head! For this drawing lesson, be prepared to sketch a lot of circles and oval shapes!

Some features that you don't want to miss are the proboscis that is made from a long rectangle and all six arms that are attached to the upper part of the body.

cartoon animals - mosquito

It's not a good day for you? Draw a bulldog!

This lesson is slightly more complex than all previous ones. Indeed, the area near the head and the face can be pretty busy in some of these steps. The nose, the eyes, the cheeks, the pupils and the collar are all elements that must be drawn properly if you want to end up with a terrifying bulldog like the one found below.

Drawing angry cartoon animals also mean that you will have to work with a lot of squares and rectangles. For this bulldog, a few sharp triangles are also required on the collar!

cartoon animals - bulldog

a classic character with great perspective!

This one is pretty interesting. You can see that you can create perspective only by placing the back legs slightly higher (and more on the left) compared to the front ones. No need to change anything else on the body or the head to get the desired effect.

Even more interesting is the fact that only two large circles (for the body and the head) and two small ones (for the eyes) are required to create the animal. All four legs are made from a tiny rectangle.

cartoon animals - sheep

The cutest chicken possible!

Let's conclude this part of the tutorial by working on a very basic character: a simple chicken drawn using just an oval shape. This little shape contains two dots for the eyes, two small oval shapes to represent the beak and a few curved lines to create the wing. Some hair is visible on top of the character as well as behind it.

Only the legs are slightly more challenging to draw. Otherwise, it's a pretty fun cartoon animal to work with if you want a basic illustration to work on ...

cartoon animals - chicken

Ready for more cartoon animals?

All previous lessons were just a few examples of what to expect from cartoon animals found in this series. You will have the opportunity to work with a few farm animals and insects that are made from simple elements and mostly filled with plain colors.

Don't hesitate to practice as often as needed and feel free to draw more animals on your own. You can either try to create new characters or simply modify the ones found below using your own style.

Have fun! :)

How to get the best out of these tutorials

Although these drawing lessons are quite easy to achieved, they can be a little bit difficult if you don't have much experience at drawing. Here are a few tips to help you reproduce these cartoon animals more easily.

Take your time and make sure all basic shapes are properly drawn!

This is not a race! Take your time, draw each basic shape carefully and make sure everything is aligned properly. Once this is done, create the outlines carefully and add all details once the shape of your character is finished. Check each step to make sure you did not forget a step or an important element.

Practice as much as needed. Try to draw using your own style!

Remember that all tutorials on the site are created by someone (me!) with a unique and distinctive style. It is perfectly normal if you cannot achieved something 100% similar because you do have your own style. Your goal is to use these drawing lessons as a template to develop your own (and unique) style.

Try several cartoon animals. Even the ones that are tough.

It's fun to draw a simple character and end up with an accurate result. It's even more rewarding if you can create a complex character and end up with an honest result.

Don't draw characters that you are comfortable with. Try to sketch the ones that are tough and difficult. It's the best technique to improve your abilities!

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How to Draw Cartoon Animal Faces


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