Dont F**k With Cats Hunting an Internet Killer Limited Series Review

Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer (TV Mini Series 2019) Poster

ix /ten

I idea information technology was about cats

iGlad 18 Dec 2019

Warning: Spoilers

The beginning x minutes I thought this was a spoof as I must admit that I knew nothing of this Magnotta guy but information technology developed into quite a story. It was gruesome but one hell of a story. The mother has me speechless as I have never seen a person in so much denial.

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ten /ten

Beware Those That Desire Fame, Beware Social Media...

New on Netflix today, I figured I'll watch the outset episode before getting ready for work. I'm at present tardily and have binged all three ep's. It's cost me £15 in lost wages, and worth every minute! Information technology'southward a well researched, skillfully written and edited documentary that is a very relevant critique of our modern culture. The soundtrack adds another layer and helps to build up the tension nicely. No spoilers, don't worry. The physician' ends up questioning our values, the desire for fame and how far some people will go to get just a little slice of it. The focus starts with a small and very determined squad of internet sleuths, and ends with twists a plenty. One tiny spoiler (okay, I lied) I couldn't get over how delusional the mother still is about her 'little boy' despite all of the testify presented to u.s.. I call up this is a must watch series that asks us all most our ain voyeuristic nature, and whether our obsession with celebrity culture tin actually kick start and fuel some very depraved behavior. At that place'due south always been sadists and killers, but are they at present more common because of easy admission to the platform that is social media? There's a great line from 'Baudi', one of the main hunters "Are you complicit? Maybe it's time to plow off the machine"? She's talking directly to us. Luckily you lot don't become to encounter the animal torture. If you're tuning in in the hope that you will, get help.

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vii /ten

Captivating documentary

Quite an interesting documentary post-obit an internet grouping attempting to track down a true cat killer who then turns to murder. The documentary was thorough and included interviews from relevant people of the cyberspace grouping and the Canadian police force. The information was detailed and the storyline flowed well equally the investigations unraveled.

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eight /ten

Got your answer to the 3rd HAND

First of all, a lot of people are asking about the third hand. I researched and found this from John Green: Who are the 2nd set up of hands in the python video? Answer: A researcher for the CBC who worked on the Fifth Estate episode on Luka went to Montreal and talked to some of Lukas neighbors, and a female said it was her in the python video and she did non know a kitten was going to exist killed.

Y'all can detect this yourself with a quick google search.

Bated from that, this documentary is thrilling, disturbing and very well told. 8 stars considering I HATED to hear and encounter a bit from the cat videos. I dont need to hear or see even a piffling bit of it. A description would accept been enough. And the last minute, where nosotros are personally approached by the filmmakers to find out if we are non also partly responsible because we watched this documentary (and therefore giving Luka the attention he wanted). I understand what he was trying to say, but it was misplaced and meaningless in the context of the discipline. It simply had no place in this film, and of grade every person who publishes such videos gets attention. How else should we as a gild react? Ignore it? Of course you can't develop a fascination for it. Only it is important to talk almost such cases. It'southward always the same: It's the very people who announced harmless, that can do things that are across imagination. Never guess a volume by its cover.

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ix /10

Very Skilful... besides the very terminal infinitesimal...

Warning: Spoilers

I liked the suspense, the built-up, the footstep...

Just i thing annoyed me a lot. The final minute when the chief person looks into the photographic camera telling me to think nearly my guilt. What? You have been doing this for 18 months and nonetheless is occupied with it and y'all try to ask me my guilt... I just saw a docu of what... 4 hours? and never heared of the story before... and yous endeavor to make me feel guilty. That was an anti-climax.

In a grown-up globe everyone is, in the end, responsible for their own actions. Millions of people accept problems and deal with them in different ways so the guilt does not lay with the audition.

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six /10


Warning: Spoilers

I'm trying to figure out who is more disturbed- him or his mother. She was delusional and I certainly tin see why he turned out to exist a narcissistic killer.

I SUBTRACTED 4 stars for the insult at the end of the moving picture. That was lamentable. I will NEVER watch another film from this crackpot filmmaker. Insulting the very people who he depends on- another self centered idiot who doesn't take responsibility for his movie -but like the nutcase and his mother didn't take responsibility for their actions.

Note to the filmmakers: DON'T FVCK WITH YOUR AUDIENCE

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5 /x

Ruined in 10 seconds

Warning: Spoilers

Great film awesome story of how these "regular" people institute this killer. The last ten seconds are BS. I nor whatsoever of you people that watched this fabricated this man practice anything. His mental defect was the error. His lack of ability to handle and properly function in social club was at error. And then the arrogance and moral superiority of the writers and of Buadi for what they wrote/said in the last x seconds ruined an otherwise well done show about a existent person and real events. I would also like to signal out that instead of being left with the feeling of this tragedy for the Lin family unit I am turned off by the show and it completely (almost) wiped that part of the show away. and that had but merely been shown a minutes or and then ahead of line that ruined the evidence.

I accept no fear that my interest in this show did crusade or will cause another person to go a killer. Each person is solely responsible for his/her own actions. Under no circumstance did I or whatever 1 else cause Luka or Ted or Jeffery or any other killer to become a killer. We in no way put these thoughts in their heads nor fabricated them in any way at all do these things. I am fine with my reflection and I do care.

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7 /x

Please don't spotter this

I accept very mixed feelings about this documentary. On the one hand, it is incredibly gripping, unspeakably horrifying and uniquely fascinating. On the other manus, I don't feel like this vile piece of southward**t deserves any airtime whatever. It always disgusts me to see media outlets lavish attention on subhuman scum like the beast (I pass up to name him) featured in this story. It is exactly what these monsters want and information technology encourages other deviants to tread similar paths.

I was also somewhat disturbed past the 2 main interviewees, who both seemed worryingly excitable near the whole situation. Surely you would want to be blurred out and remain anonymous when involving yourself in something as atrocious as this? It seems extreme narcissism and attention-seeking isn't limited to serial killers.

Despite my distaste at these aspects of the documentary, I cannot deny being absolutely captivated by this story and the way it was told. The events are and so extreme and surreal that it is hard to believe whatsoever of information technology really happened. If this was a work of fiction, I'd be commenting that it was far-fetched and unrealistic.

Nevertheless, even though this was one of the most enthralling things I have watched in contempo years, I would not recommend it to everyone. Partly because it is so traumatic (I had to literally close my optics and cover my ears numerous times, something I've never had to do before) and could genuinely traumatise many viewers. Only mainly because it gives the protagonist exactly what he wants: notoriety. A very troubling documentary that raises many difficult questions about the internet, social media and vigilante justice.

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10 /x


Alert: Spoilers

There is huge irony in the fact that, nonetheless the completely inappropriate title, this iii part doc has almost nothing to do with cats -- and everything to do with how a bunch of internet geeks who had never met tracked downwardly a truly diabolical Canadian serial killer. Even those who did not ""like"" the motion picture hold information technology is one of the almost compelling stories ever put to film -- once you lot start, you will rampage the 3 parts in one sitting. It is also obvious -- painfully obvious -- that the law in multiple jurisdictions were e'er on the dorsum foot throughout the hunt. It was the net geeks who did the heavy lifting -- they even predicted the murder before it happened, and were ignored. And it was the manager of an internet buffet in Berlin, a self-proclaimed news junkie, who recognized the suspect on sight, in a heartbeat, and called the police force, fifty-fifty while the international constabulary still thought he was in France. Astonishing and unforgettable.

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9 /10

The less yous know, the ameliorate

Commencement I desire to say, because I personally came here looking for the answer to this specific question: This IS a real documentary. For the first 10-fifteen min of this series, I was seriously thinking this was a mockumentary. Information technology totally has that experience to information first. But I tin can tell you that afterward watching all three parts, it IS existent. Without spoiling annihilation, I can confirm that they include actually archival news footage regarding elements of this case from CNN, diverse Canadian and European newscasts, as well every bit a cursory interview with Justin Trudeau, who speaks direct about elements of the case. And so yes, it'south real.

Just permit me also say that the less you know well-nigh this story, the improve. I somehow managed to live through the time period of the major events of this case (2010-2014) without ever hearing about this story. So what unfolds in this documentary is one of the most wild, insane, gruesome, and shocking serial of events I've ever seen in a truthful crime doc.

I'm giving this doc 9 stars because the way the director chooses to tell and reveal the story is brilliant. Bits and pieces of info are given to yous at precise moments that will pb y'all to believe you know what'southward happening, only for some other piece of info to be revealed that will admittedly accident your mind and leave you lot questioning what you think yous know. In that location is then much suspense and information technology never stops building. From the beginning to the end, I was admittedly gripped. It never failed to hold my attending.

This medico is non for the faint of eye. It is disturbing in unimaginable ways. But because of the way the story is told, I could not stop watching. It's hard to say I "loved" it considering it is impossible to "beloved" a story like this. But I absolutely loved the craft of storytelling employed simply the documentarians and the fact that you're kept guessing all the way to the terminate. Ane thing I think they could have improved was the way they delivered certain key pieces of data. There were moments when I wasn't sure of the facts that had been revealed, considering they were presented in a confusing manner. I had to rewind a few parts for clarity, to brand sure I understood what was being revealed. Other than that, this doc far exceeded my expectations and I appreciated the philosophical question posed at the end.

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ten /x


Warning: Spoilers

And who'south the camera man? In a few of the clips someone is filming him. Someone else was in the room while he was committing these horrific acts. Was he beingness forced by this Manny character? Or did he have an accomplice? Either fashion someone was filming him. Something tells me this story isn't over yet..

Calling this docu-series an intense thrill ride would exist putting it lightly. That was definitely 1 of the best documentaries I've ever watched. NETFLIX has out done themselves. Yous Have TO Sentinel THIS.. x STARS..

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10 /10

Probably 1 of my favorite documentaries

Warning: Spoilers

Don't allow the title about cats plough y'all abroad like it almost did for me. It's a documentary about a "Catch Me If You Can" copycat involving murder. I really don't want to say more because I went into it knowing nothing and it was quite the rollercoaster ride. I was glued from beginning to cease. Deanna and John did a wonderful job of describing their experience. There were many times I asked myself if this documentary was fiction crusade it was so unbelievable at times. A must sentinel! The catastrophe will not disappoint. Again well done to the filmmakers!

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9 /10

"End making stupid people famous!" simply cheers for this ane

Alert: Spoilers

I was on the edge of my seat the whole show, shocked and fascinated by this new gripping true law-breaking documentary. Not familiar with the story of Luka Magnotta, it blew me away from start to end. It's well edited, told over iii episodes, without getting tiresome.

The 2018 Netflix docu Evil Genius gave me a similar feeling of stupor, fascination and bewilderment. The fundamental recipes for a perfect true criminal offense documentary. And Netflix does it once again with 'Don't f''one thousand with cats', another amazing character study and the untenable impact of the internet.

At that place are some sick people on this planet and they don't deserve any credit whatsoever. No i on earth with a healthy soul and a bit of love in his heart wants to lookout man animal cruelty. But seeing how in todays lodge, in the summit of the internet era, the desperation for fame can turn someone into a narcissistic psychopath, is truly fascinating and mindblowing.

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eight /10

Very well executed! But?..

Warning: Spoilers

The writers did a good job in pacing this limited serial. And I will recommend this documentary to all who hesitate to watch. Afterward watching this there is still i question that isn't answered in de series; who's hand was that in the final shot of the cat video? At that place are clearly three hands in the shot, and the camera is non on a tripod. Who is the other person? Get watch this! You won't exist disappointed.

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8 /10

The Third Manus

Alert: Spoilers

I had to write this because they seems to be a lot of people here questioning about the third hand in the video. It was Luka's neighbor who owned the python snake.

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x /ten

Incredibly intense and horrific

I can't believe this really happend.. sounds like a hollywood horror pic plot only i judge it'south real.

Great built up and well edited.

You lot never see the full murder videos.. for people who are scared to encounter graphic stuff

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iii /10

Do we share a certain responsibility with the cyberspace "sleuths" in this documentary...? No nosotros do non.

Warning: Spoilers

At the very end of the three part series i of the main interviewees asked if we, the viewers, are complicit in making this homo into a serial killer. She seems to accept a sure responsibleness by (maybe) goading the killer with her internet action in regard to him, the killer.

Her grouping becomes obsessed with hunting the killer and in a way provided the killer a fanclub. At the end she asks if nosotros, the viewers of the documentary, are not complicit in his crime also. I say we are not.

She provided no startlingly profound commentary on the man condition. Information technology is a known that club has a morbid marvel with serial killers. What her and her friends did was provide this serial killer a directly fanclub.

The internet sleuths early on get a lead, from some mysterious source, which gives them the name of a suspect. This is important. What I do not sympathize is why the documentary never goes dorsum to this. Who was behind this mystery Facebook message that revealed the name, Luca Magnotta? Was it Magnotta himself? Due to his apparent narcissism he is a likely candidate. If this is the instance he likely could have, simply as easily, tried to make it impact with the paper like past serial killers to play his true cat and mouse game.

The Facebook group provided nothing more than a fan club for Magontta in his killing. If Magnotta is not the one which revealed the name, yet, then information technology is someone who easily could have gone to the police force, which is a step they likely should have taken regardless. Ultimately to the 2 main internet sleuths, I say: do not pawn your guilt off on u.s.a. unsuspecting viewers; yous provide no profound commentary on the human condition by saying nosotros are complicit due to our morbid curiosity with serial killers; yous provided a fanclub which the serial killer had direct contact with, which gave him exactly what he wanted.

The question for these types of events (e.thou. mass shooters and series killers) getting publicity and whether it is correct is nothing new. Yous cyberspace sleuths, however, are directly responsible for providing him attention.

One more than important detail they left off was who filmed inside the workplace (casino) of the i internet sleuth? I don't see how Magnotta could have done it. Was it a fellow Facebook group member messing with her? Or was it her trying to make information technology more dramatic, trying to get attention, et cetera. They never get back to information technology. It seems out of identify and random, and it never gets answered every bit to where this video comes from.

Ultimately, all the internet sleuths provide is an interesting narrative to requite this documentary more depth. The other narratives from the police, attorneys, psychologist, female parent are interesting every bit well. But these net sleuths provided nothing of bodily substance. They tried to brand them seem interesting, and of import with their "detective work" just the key info they received was from an anonymous source which literally gave them the name of the person.

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8 /10

Would've been a 10 if non for a couple of issues

Warning: Spoilers

This documentary is first-class. I knew nothing of the horrors committed before watching the show and for me that was the all-time way to spotter. Information technology was truly gripping and horrifying watching the crimes escalate over fourth dimension and watching the police investigation unfold. I watched all 3 episodes in one sitting. At times I had to await abroad every bit some of the videos are very agonizing. Overall, I'd definitely recommend this documentary, especially if you don't know annihilation about the crimes in advance.

Unfortunately I had to dock 2 points off the score: 1) for non mentioning the other pair of hands in the cat video. Even if they never found out who it was, they could've said so and not left it unmentioned. ii) for the last minute or so where they charge the viewer of being complicit. I thought this was a giddy comment to brand. Kickoff off, Baudi and John clearly didn't feel that guilty about egging-on the criminal or they wouldn't have agreed to the documentary. They seem to view themselves as heroes when, in reality, their investigation had almost no impact on the eventual police investigation and arrest. They seemed to fetishize "the hunt" merely equally much as the criminal himself and really drove an innocent man to suicide, so yep - non really the heroes. Having said that, their inclusion in the documentary made sense and it probably would have been weird non to have them, it just annoyed me that they had the audacity to place guilt on the audience, when they literally collection a man to suicide and most people volition have known naught of the horrors that occured before watching the show.

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ten /ten

Extra pair of hands on motion picture never explained...

Cant stop thinking virtually this documentary. All i tin say is woah. This is the most spooky docu serial I've always seen in that information technology is based on a true story and that the footage is still able to exist seen online....also, the actress hands that were seen in ane of Lukas torture videos were never explained. Someone WAS there with him and the documentary seemed to simply forget to elaborate. Also, in that location was no elaboration on who actually gave the internet troll lady Lukas name to begin with... Other than some unexplained plot holes, this documentary is a powerful one. One may dismiss it for whatever reasons, all the same, 1 thing volition stand the same.. that this is i of the most unsettling truthful stories you volition e'er hear

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eight /10

More than WTF moments per episode than about serial...

I'm stupefied that all this happened a few years ago and I don't call up hearing anything about it. (Leading me to wonder how much is getting lost in the vortex of awful that are our daily digital lives.)

It's best to watch this knowing equally niggling as possible, and then you too can sit there agog as I did, oral fissure agape, equally the iii hour-long episodes unfolded with so many WTF moments that kept me engrossed until the very last frame. It was distressing, thought-provoking, shocking, infuriating, and the near interesting thing I watched over the long holiday period. I definitely recommend this if you lot haven't already seen it.

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6 /10

That last minute ruined it for me

I've seen a few crime documentaries, they're fairly interesting to watch. I liked this i too, upwards until the very last minute, where they're basically JUDGING us, the viewers, for watching THEIR DOCUMENTARY. If you think it's a dangerous story to tell, don't tell it. Simply don't get and judge me for the kind of movies and documentaries I watch, and even imply I indirectly contributed to this whole story. That's merely dumb, at this indicate you're only biting the hand that feeds.

Besides, they don't fifty-fifty explain crucial details, the biggest one being that 3rd mitt in the video. Who was it? Why isn't it a big deal? Cause information technology seems like a pretty big deal to me.

It's an overall eight/10 documentary, but for these reasons I'thousand going to rate it a 6/10 because it'due south but disrespectful towards the viewers. And that final episode deserves a 1/10 just for that last, dumb minute.

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1 /10

the killer , the sleuths, and the doctor makers are disgusting

Warning: Spoilers

How this made it onto Netflix is beyond me. The two "sleuths", especially the woman, seem to get off on being a part of this mess....they gave Magnotta a huge amount of attention, knowing its what he wanted and then blame the audience of this "documentary" for giving psychopaths attending (they're plain thrilled to be in information technology and desire the attending for themselves while besides complimenting the sick ****). Their group wrongly accused so harassed a human being into suicide, but we're the jerks? They seem way likewise excited to be in this film, specially because most of the pertinent info was gotten from bearding tips and the nerds themselves has nothing to do with catching the guy. Why are they here? then they completely gloss over the third mitt as if thats not important. All of the info should have been turned over to the FBI...Magnotta literally told them he was planning on escalating and they though they were qualified to handle any of this? What really got me was the footage they included. Sure, they didn't show the bodily killing of the cats, just they showed more than enough for it to be traumatizing to some. We dont need to hear the kittens meows for help. Nosotros dont need to run across the fear-stricken face up of the true cat about to be drowned. A brief description would have been ample. Anyone who isnt a psychopath would accept been disgusted enough without showing those things; we didnt need to be shocked into feeling empathy, anger, etc. I only watched information technology bc reviews said it didn't prove the footage and so suddenly it was too belatedly. If you lot're non divorced from your feelings and honey animals, I dont recommend. They didn't handle this well at all and its a cheap shot at attending-seeking.

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viii /ten

Poor Kittens

I'm pretty skilful when a documentary is well-nigh murder of humans, not so much of animals, the whole Progression of his acts were so terrible. I can't believe the police completely ignored facts that they had received. Very interesting to see how private people found out and then much about the true cat murderer. This whole series left me so unnerved that I had to turn on an audiobook and call my domestic dog into bed for cuddles to even be able to sleep.

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8 /x

The catastrophe was ridiculous

Alarm: Spoilers

When they ask "are you complicit" at the end I Got triggered.

Hell no im non complicit. I had no idea about any of this until y'all made a 3 hour documentary most it. And put it on Netflix.

So if Baudi Mooves was really that concerned with beingness complicit and promoting this psychopath maybe she shouldn't have agreed to the documentary.

What a stupid thing to say.

Other than was an interesting story.

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8 /ten


These Netflix true crime docs are on some other southward**t.

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